What is happiness?
Happiness is a mental or emotional state of wellbeing and contentment. It is characterised by positive or pleasant emotions like joy, pleasure and good fortune. It is something we all want to have in life and seek through various different activities such as work and leisure time or with friends and family. A few of us indulge in risk taking behaviour which can only bring temporary happiness like drugs, alcohol and other pleasure seeking activities.
Sigmund Freud the founding father of psychoanalysis argues the only purpose in life people agree upon is to be happy however this is impossible within civilisation due to our instinctual drives being suppressed by the external world which he called the reality principle. Civilisation provides us safety and protection but strips from us our creativity and our spontaneous nature to enjoy things.
Are your daily routines holding you back, suppressing your creativity and killing your motivation? Perhaps you are feeling discouraged and depressed at home, work or in business. If your negative emotions have been impacting your life and you are curious about gaining some personal freedom beneficial to your mental wellbeing unlike Freud perhaps you are searching for the miracle cure for unhappiness.
Many of the clients I work with in our group coaching programmes express a need to be more fulfilled, they want to find something more valuable and have a desire to be more content in their work and personal life. So what are the secrets to happiness?
The 7 Secrets to Happiness
1) Develop your self esteem- If you are not happy with who you are on the inside making changes to the outside will often be short lived. Work on yourself and valuing who you are. It is impossible for you to be like anyone else and still feel authentic. Discover your unique gifts and qualities to embrace who you are.
2) Face suffering. Instead of putting off difficult things we need to face them first. This will give you more energy for other things in your life without dread looming in the background. If these are difficult or complex issues putting them off will often make your suffering worse. Take the first steps and decide to no longer procrastinate or avoid suffering.
3) Deal with anger, hatred and anxiety- holding onto negative feelings about yourself or others is like drinking poison everyday. It will ruin everything you do. Decide to forgive, this does not mean you have to trust that person or spend time with them everyday. However it is a decision not to hold onto any past wrongs.
4) Deepen your connections with others- human beings require connection to others through relationship.
Strengthen your relationship with your partner, children, family, friends or neighbours. Recognise they are special and play an important role in your life by making more time for them. Alternatively volunteer your time or join a community group connecting with the wider community can be incredibly rewarding.
5) Meditation for your inner being. Daily relaxation and deep breathing for just only 15 minutes can make a difference. It can be a powerful and deep way to connect to a greater awareness and compassion for life.
Being thankful in your inner being strengthens you and puts you in a much calmer and peaceful state.
6) Diet & Exercise- commit to reducing the amount of sugar, fat and processed foods you eat each week.
A simple thing to do immediately is substitute white processed carbohydrates for whole grains like brown rice, wholemeal pasta or bread. They release energy slowly and will give you natural energy better than Redbull. Exercising each day even if it is just walking for 30 minutes will release endorphins and give you an energy boost.
7) Refresh yourself with positive things. Avoid listening to the news or weather forecast first thing it is not refreshing to be exposed to negativity when starting your day.
Instead try a daily devotional or positive quotes, something that will uplift your mood first thing in the morning. If you get into the habit of focusing on the right things before you leave the house you will start your day right.
Happiness is a mental or emotional state of wellbeing and contentment. It is characterised by positive or pleasant emotions like joy, pleasure and good fortune. It is something we all want to have in life and seek through various different activities such as work and leisure time or with friends and family. A few of us indulge in risk taking behaviour which can only bring temporary happiness like drugs, alcohol and other pleasure seeking activities.
Sigmund Freud the founding father of psychoanalysis argues the only purpose in life people agree upon is to be happy however this is impossible within civilisation due to our instinctual drives being suppressed by the external world which he called the reality principle. Civilisation provides us safety and protection but strips from us our creativity and our spontaneous nature to enjoy things.
Are your daily routines holding you back, suppressing your creativity and killing your motivation? Perhaps you are feeling discouraged and depressed at home, work or in business. If your negative emotions have been impacting your life and you are curious about gaining some personal freedom beneficial to your mental wellbeing unlike Freud perhaps you are searching for the miracle cure for unhappiness.
Many of the clients I work with in our group coaching programmes express a need to be more fulfilled, they want to find something more valuable and have a desire to be more content in their work and personal life. So what are the secrets to happiness?
The 7 Secrets to Happiness
1) Develop your self esteem- If you are not happy with who you are on the inside making changes to the outside will often be short lived. Work on yourself and valuing who you are. It is impossible for you to be like anyone else and still feel authentic. Discover your unique gifts and qualities to embrace who you are.
2) Face suffering. Instead of putting off difficult things we need to face them first. This will give you more energy for other things in your life without dread looming in the background. If these are difficult or complex issues putting them off will often make your suffering worse. Take the first steps and decide to no longer procrastinate or avoid suffering.
3) Deal with anger, hatred and anxiety- holding onto negative feelings about yourself or others is like drinking poison everyday. It will ruin everything you do. Decide to forgive, this does not mean you have to trust that person or spend time with them everyday. However it is a decision not to hold onto any past wrongs.
4) Deepen your connections with others- human beings require connection to others through relationship.
Strengthen your relationship with your partner, children, family, friends or neighbours. Recognise they are special and play an important role in your life by making more time for them. Alternatively volunteer your time or join a community group connecting with the wider community can be incredibly rewarding.
5) Meditation for your inner being. Daily relaxation and deep breathing for just only 15 minutes can make a difference. It can be a powerful and deep way to connect to a greater awareness and compassion for life.
Being thankful in your inner being strengthens you and puts you in a much calmer and peaceful state.
6) Diet & Exercise- commit to reducing the amount of sugar, fat and processed foods you eat each week.
A simple thing to do immediately is substitute white processed carbohydrates for whole grains like brown rice, wholemeal pasta or bread. They release energy slowly and will give you natural energy better than Redbull. Exercising each day even if it is just walking for 30 minutes will release endorphins and give you an energy boost.
7) Refresh yourself with positive things. Avoid listening to the news or weather forecast first thing it is not refreshing to be exposed to negativity when starting your day.
Instead try a daily devotional or positive quotes, something that will uplift your mood first thing in the morning. If you get into the habit of focusing on the right things before you leave the house you will start your day right.
Connect with me on Facebook for a daily dose of bitesize encouragement and tips to create a healthier and happier life.
Article Source:http://www.facebook.com/Urbantransformu
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