Choose to Be Happy

Where is the sunshine of your life? Is it in your mind, in your heart, or in your surrounding or circumstances? To be happy is a choice we all can and have to make. In spite of the challenges or trials you and I can still choose to be happy despite the lack of materialism. Life is full of choices, and we must learn to live with the decisions we make.

The outcome of those decisions will determine if we find happiness. Life's journey will bring you many ups and downs, ins and out, turn a rounds, setbacks, as well as setups. When things may not be going the way you and I expected, God is able to turn our mourning into dancing, and turn our sadness into gladness (Psalms 30:11). What makes you happy? Is it money? Is it being a blessing to others while they're in need? Is it being involved in community service? Whatever your choice of work, choose to be happy while pursuing your dreams as you minister to others with gladness.

Through all life's challenges we have to learn to be content and live in and above life's circumstances (Philippians 4:10-19). Being happy is not based on our outward circumstances, but it is based on what's inside our spirit. True contentment is acceptance and satisfaction of what we currently have (Philippians 4:11). The key to happiness is to rid your heart of anger, envy, or an unforgiving spirit towards yourself and others. When we are happy we will find joy, peace, and have genuine love for ourselves and for others. The curve balls that life can throw at us are pure misses. We can rise above the current dilemma knowing that no weapon formed against you shall prosper ( Isaiah 54: 17). Happiness is a choice, therefore, choose to be happy.

We serve a God who is rich and has many resources. We serve a God whose mercies are everlasting (Psalms 136). We serve a God who is faithful and forgiving (I John 1: 9). He does not remember our sins or acts of iniquities." In the book of Hebrews 10:17, the writer states "our sins he remembers no more." In other words when we go over and beyond doing things that's not pleasing to Him, He's merciful and just. It's not that He overlooks our transgressions, but He does not immediately give us what we deserve when we sin against Him. The scriptures teach in (Psalms 103: 12) "as far as the east is from the west so far has He removed our transgressions from us. God is rich in love (John 3:16). He sent His only unique son to die for our sins, and if we believe in Jesus and accept him as Lord and Savior for our lives, we're promised external life in paradise.

When we place our trust in God he will and can deliver us. This makes him rich in protection( Psalms 31). God is rich in guidance and direction. With the Lord's leading, you and I can never be led astray because He's perfect at giving directions (Psalms 25: 1-6). He's also rich in strength and is able to renew your strength ( Isaiah 40: 31). As we are strengthen by the Lord, we can stand and be strong in the power of His might and can do all things through Christ who strengthens us( Philippians 4: 13). Knowing that God is on our side, is more than enough reason to choose to be happy! Make your decision be today. Be Happy!

Clark A. Thomas, business owner, and author, he discusses practical ways how to manage life and live joyfully. Writing articles has helped him become known online, and sell more products online. He's sharing all the secrets he has discovered in his Articles

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